
87 discussions,7天新增 7 个讨论,30 Days New 8 discussions

——赴德物流师资研修报告南京财经大学 陶经辉2007年6月底,在教育部、中国物流与采购联合会和德国INWENT机构联合组织下,首期物流师资研修班赴德国的东部城市马格德堡度开始了为期近2个月紧张而愉快的学习生活。参加本次培训的学员主要由来自全...
felixfelix Initiated a question 2022-07-03 21:51
felixfelix Initiated a question 2022-07-03 21:44
felixfelix Initiated a question 2022-07-03 21:40
felixfelix Initiated a question 2022-07-03 21:30
felixfelix Initiated a question 2022-07-03 21:23
MrChengMrCheng Answered the question 2022-06-29 13:47
作者:胡珉,北京乐思门咨询有限公司总经理改编后发表于《环球供应链》2004年4月刊  在汤姆克·鲁斯(Tom Cruise)主演的电影《甜心先生》(Jerry McGuire)中,有这样一个场景:小库柏古丁(Cuba Gooding, Jr...
If our experience in the pandemic taught us one thing, it’s that we can’t stand still. The challenges that unfolded in i...
felixfelix Initiated a question 2021-09-19 16:56
felixfelix Initiated a question 2021-09-18 07:25
Modern’s annual Productivity Achievement Awards honor companies that have made exceptional operational improvements thro...
蔡杉蔡杉 Answered the question 2020-12-15 20:21
By Gary Forger, Contributing Editor · September 11, 2020Let’s talk about creative uses for pallets for a ...
扫地僧扫地僧 Initiated a question 2020-10-16 09:12

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